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Cook County Electoral Board Lists 3 Dist. 59, 2 Dist. 211 Objections As 'Under Advisement'

By Tom Robb

Cook County Electoral Board Lists 3 Dist. 59, 2 Dist. 211 Objections As 'Under Advisement'

Five cases before the Cook County Electoral Board for Elk Grove Township Elementary School Dist. 59 and Township High School Dist. 211 challenging nominating petitions are listed as "under advisement."

"The Under Advisement notice means that a hearing has already taken place in that particular case and the hearing officer is preparing a recommendation to go before the Electoral Board. Once the date for the board hearing is set it will be posted to the website. The cases will likely be set to go before the board sometime next week," Sally Daly, deputy clerk of communications for the Cook County Clerk's office, said.

The Cook County Electoral Board consists of representatives of the Cook County clerk, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, and the Cook County State's Attorney's offices.

Challenges were brought against Dist. 59 candidates Ray Carlson and Fay Costa by Ryan Bookler. Matthew Luptak brought the challenge against candidate Nicole Kitzinger.

In Dist. 211, the challenge against candidate Jean Baptist Benjamin Hirwa was brought by Kenneth Van Dyke. The objection against candidate Edward Yung was brought by Michael Prokopij.

In Dist. 59, Bookler's objection to Carlson claim issues with petition signatures not matching printed names, the name of the notary "not being genuine," signers not listing full addresses, illegible signatures, a "sheet invalid because of a pattern of fraud and disregard of election code by circulator," and other objections.

Bookler's claims against Costa's petitions include signatures gathered from those living outside the district, signatures that "are not genuine and are forgeries," signers who did not list their full addresses, illegible signatures, names appearing different in the printed name and signature portion of the petition, the same person signing multiple times in the same petition, and, "Nomination papers contain petition sheets circulated that demonstrate a pattern of fraud and disregard of the election code to such a degree that every sheet circulated is invalid and should be invalidated in order to protect the integrity of the electoral process," which would bring the number of signatures below the required number.

Luptak's objection to Kitzinger's electoral paperwork claims she failed to file a required statement of economic interest and have flawed petition signatures, in that they live outside the district, are not registered to vote at the address listed, signatures are not genuine, fail to list a full address, list different names on the printed name and signature lines, claims signatures of petition circulators are not valid, "Demonstrate a pattern of fraud and disregard of the election code." The objected-to signatures bring the total valid collected signatures below the number required to appear on the ballot, according to the objection.

In Dist. 211, Van Dyke claims Hirwa's petition pages were not properly numbered as required.

Also in Dist. 211, Yung claims signatures on Prokopij's nominating petitions are flawed in that they are not registered to vote at the address listed on the petition, signatures are not genuine, petition signers live outside the district, and addresses are missing or incomplete.

Dist. 211 includes parts of Arlington Heights, Elk Grove Village, Palatine, and Rolling Meadows.

Dist. 59 includes parts of Arlington Heights, Elk Grove Village, Des Plaines, and Mount Prospect.

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