The 2025 Oscars shortlist will be revealed on Tuesday, December 17, showcasing the films on track for nominations. The shortlist is created from all eligible submissions, with each category narrowed down to 10-15 movies before the final nominations are announced in January. This year, Wicked: Part 1 is expected to dominate categories like makeup and hairstyling, sound, and visual effects, potentially boosting its chances for a Best Picture nomination. Jacques Audiard's Emilia Pérez, a Spanish-language musical, is also a strong contender, with a potential presence in multiple categories such as original song, international feature, and original score. The body-horror film The Substance has surprised audiences and critics alike, earning multiple Golden Globe and Critics Choice nominations, and now sets its sights on Oscar recognition. The shortlisted categories to be announced include documentary features, international features, makeup and hairstyling, music (original score and song), animated and live-action shorts, sound, and visual effects. The Oscars ceremony will be held on Sunday, March 2, 2025, with nominations announced on January 17. The shortlist announcement follows a preliminary voting process, which ran from December 9 to December 13.
Oscars 2025 Shortlist LIVE: Announcement as Wicked expected to dominate
By Amanda Castro