The state Department of Agriculture and state Department of Energy and Environment both said that they plan to reevaluate two rules related to the swine farm moratorium in the Buffalo River watershed, after they abruptly requested they be removed from the Administrative Rules subcommittees agenda the night before the subcommittee was set to hear both.
Statements from each department's spokespersons said that "both rules were passed over and did not receive the review required for promulgation" at the subcommittee's November hearing.
The departments had attempted to have the rules heard last month via a suspension of subcommittee rules, but the motion to suspend the rules did not receive a second.
"If the Department determines that a substantial modification of the current proposed rule is warranted, we will reinitiate the promulgation process in accordance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedures Act," wrote Shaelyn Sowers, the spokesperson for the Department of Agriculture.