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Black Ops 6 Zombies: How to Get the Dark Sword on Citadelle Des Morts | Balmung Wonder Weapon Guide - Gameranx

By Matt Villei

Black Ops 6 Zombies: How to Get the Dark Sword on Citadelle Des Morts | Balmung Wonder Weapon Guide - Gameranx

Black Ops 6 Zombies now comes with several magical swords that can be used to battle the undead in Citadelle Des Morts. One of the most thematically appropriate swords due to its ties to the Dark Aether is Balmung, the Raven's Dark Sword. Getting this weapon will allow players to rip through reality to send their enemies back to the place below creation. But before this weapon can be used, players will first need to know how to get it. This guide will show players how to get Balmung, the Raven's Dark Sword Wonder Weapon on Citadelle Des Morts in Black Ops 6 Zombies.

To get the Dark Sword, you will first need to get the Bastard Sword held by the Raven Knight. Gameranx has a full guide on how to get the Bastard Sword Wonder Weapon but we will give the simplified breakdown here. Activate the Pack-a-Punch machine and progress to Round 10. At this point, some Zombies will spawn with a Templar helmet on their head and will drop the Stamp item upon their death. Take a Stamp to the Dining Hall to find 4 Suits of Armor holding swords. Interacting with one of the suits of armor with a Stamp and they will give you their sword. The Raven Knight is the northwest armor.

Now that you have the Raven's Bastard Sword, go into the Alchemical Lab. This is the room behind the Raven Knight's armor that is accessed by going through an illusionary wall that is revealed after opening Pack-a-Punch. Once here, you will need to find an Antiquity hidden somewhere in this room. The Antiquity can be 1 of 5 items with the item that spawns changing every game of Citadelle Des Morts. While the item might change, the location for each item is the same, so you can visit each location to see if the item is there to find the one in your game.

One of these items is two raven heads that can be found in the southwest corner of the room on a bookshelf.

The jaw bone antique is on the same shelf as the raven heads on the shelf one row up and to the right.

Next is a fossilized fish that can be found on the counter in the northwest corner of the room.

A fossilized scorpion is on a small table near the north end of the room.

The final antique is a horn that can be found on a shelf in the northeast corner of the room.

Once you have the Antiquity in your game, go to the Tavern Cellar in the basement of the Tavern building in Town Square which is the map's spawn room. In the corner of the room opposite the fast travel teleporter is a strange circle. Interact with it will place the Antiquity in the center of the circle and two rings around the circle will glow with symbols. Interact with it again to place your Bastard Sword in the slot at the bottom of the circle.

The inner circle displays 4 symbols, each one representing the elements of water, earth, fire, and air. The outer circle consists of 12 different astrological symbols. To finish this step, you will need to find the astrological symbol that the antique represents and then match it with the element the symbol is tied to. Line these two symbols up with the green arrow at the bottom of the circle and then submit it to complete this step. There are 5 possible answers, one for each antique. Refer to the photo below to figure out what each symbol represents. Here are all the possible answers to the symbol puzzle.

Once you have correctly entered the combination, a rift will open on the floor of the Cellar. Slow-moving orbs will begin to come from the antique circle and they will start to head towards you. Your job here is to lead 3 orbs to the rift. When they get close enough, they will enter the rift but be careful since these orbs will explode if they touch you. After 3 orbs enter the rift, it will become a spark that travels up to the first floor of the Tavern and will open another rift. Lead 3 more orbs into the rift and it will move to the second floor of the Tavern. Once 3 more orbs enter the rift, the portal will close and the spark will return to the circle.

Once the spark touches the circle, interact with it and a rift will open beneath it. Your Bastard Sword will sink into the Dark Aether and when it emerges, will will now be Balmung. This weapon has the same melee attack though it is now much stronger and also retains its parry ability. The sword also has the Shadow Rift Ammo Mod. It also comes with a powerful Special Attack. When the sword is fully lit and the Raven on the hilt glows, press both triggers to slash through reality and open a rift to the Dark Aether. This functions just like a Kazimir grenade.

You can now get the Balmung, the Raven's Dark Sword Wonder Weapon on Citadelle Des Morts in Black Ops 6 Zombies. Stay tuned to Gameranx for more news, updates, and guides for Black Ops 6 as well as other great games in the future.

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