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Frustrations Are Growing After 250 Treasures From Shipwreck In Portuguese Waters Remains Unprotected

By Alessandro Passalalpi

Frustrations Are Growing After 250 Treasures From Shipwreck In Portuguese Waters Remains Unprotected

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Shipwrecks around the world continue to be discovered. Most recently, a 2,500-year-old shipwreck was uncovered off the coast of Sicily, with the most stunning artifacts on the inside.

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Europe certainly is a terrific hub for the world's most infamous shipwrecks, and that includes Portugal. Back in 2018, researchers uncovered a shipwreck filled with treasures off the coast of Portugal. Today, researcher Alexandre Monteiro is hoping to recapture this magic with specific locations that may contain shipwrecks. The researcher believes that treasures, including gold, are just sitting under the surface, without any actions taking place.

Let's take a look at what might be buried underneath the surface of a shipwreck dating back to the 1500s.


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8,620 Shipwrecks In Portuguese Waters Were Identified With 250 Lost Treasures

A researcher from Nova University in Lisbon, Alexandre Monteiro, believes a treasure trove underwater is being neglected around the Azores and Madeira waters. According to Euro News, the archaeologist identified 8,620 shipwrecks underwater, containing 250 lost treasures.

Alexandre Monteiro found out about the shipwreck thanks to records from the 1500s.

"I've documented around 7,500 wrecks along the mainland coast, 1,000 near the Azores, and 120 near Madeira," he tells Portuguese news agency Lusa .

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Monteiro in particular believes one ship contains 22 tonnes of gold and silver.

"I know, for instance, that off the coast of Troia, there's a Spanish ship from 1589 called Nossa Senhora do Rosário. I've investigated its history and even know the name of the captain's mother. Official records show it carried 22 tonnes of gold and silver," he said.

Despite the potential findings, action has been extremely limited.


Archaeologist Alexandre Monteiro Is Frustrated Over The Lack Of Action

Monteiro believes that at the current rate, a construction project underwater might discover the treasure before government aid steps in.

"We know there are 250 treasure ships, and sooner or later, a construction project or something similar will uncover one of them. Yet, there's no contingency plan to protect such discoveries."

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On the flip side, Monteiro doesn't believe treasure hunters can tap into the location themselves, given that most of the wreck is buried under sand.


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Archaeologists Uncovered A 400-Year-Old Shipwreck Off The Coast Of Portugal In 2018

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Here's what was found on the ship:

Spices Nine bronze cannons Chinese ceramics Cowry shells

The ship was still in fine condition, and was likely wrecked between 1575 and 1625, according to Global News. The project was a decade-long journey backed by the municipal council of Cascais, the navy, the Portuguese government and Nova University of Lisbon.

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